Considering the fact that planning a wedding already comes with a heavy load of stress and emotions – the last thing a bride needs to hear is your unwanted opinions or unnecessary comments. This is the time that friends and family need to be showering their bride-to-be with unwavering support and reassurance. So if you want to keep the peace during the planning process – zip your lips when it comes to these 22 things you should never say to the bride.
1. “Are there any cute guys going?”

2. "You know, 50% of marriages end in divorce”

3. “I hope it doesn’t rain on your wedding day!!”

4. “OMG yes, I saw that on Pinterest!”

5. “Is that how you’re definitely doing your hair for your wedding?”

6. “Is there going to be an open bar?”

7. “OMG, I would never… (insert anything here)”

8. “It’s all downhill from here!”

9. “Your dress looks just like my other friend's dress!"

10. “That’s an … interesting venue choice!”

11. “When am I getting my invite?”

12. "Are you planning on dieting before the big day?”

13. "Can I pick my own bridesmaid dress??”

14. “You spent howww much on that?”

15. "OMG your wedding is so soon - are you freaking out?!”

16. "Ugh my plane ticket to your wedding is so expensive - I’m about to be so broke”

17. "What size is your dress??"

18. "You won’t even remember your wedding day it will go by so fast!”

19. “Can I sit at a different table? I’m not near any of the people I know.”

20. “Do we have to do those cheesy-posed bridesmaid pictures?”

21. “Don’t forget to pack for your honeymoon you only have like a week to do that lol”

22. “I always thought I’d get engaged before you.”